Awards - Partner Excellence
oSTEM Partner Excellence Award
Award Description
This award is presented to an individual representative of a current sponsoring organization, community partner, or grant provider of oSTEM that has demonstrated a strong dedication to oSTEM, LGBTQ+ people in STEM, and STEM education. They are an outstanding role model for the future of our community. They are accomplished in their academic or professional lives and they regularly advocate for the full inclusion of people of all marginalized identities. They are committed to and continually strive to understand the most effective methods for reaching equality for all people.
- Must be an employee or member of a current sponsoring organization of oSTEM
- Must be attending the oSTEM Annual Conference
Self-nominations are accepted and encouraged. If you have any questions regarding this application, please contact us at
Beau Williams - Boeing Sr Manager
Lianna Newman - ConsenSys
Steve Riley - NASA
Wolfgang Sigmund - University of Florida
Gib Murray - Raytheon