Conference 2019 - People smiling and talking

Organizational Advisory Council

Our Organizational Advisory Council (OAC) is a premier partnership opportunity to provide year-round support.  OAC members are able to share their perspective, provide guidance and wisdom, share resources, and receive insight of the upcoming programmatic aspects of oSTEM's mission.  Membership operates on a yearly cycle, from July 1 to June 30. Benefits include:

  • Three meetings including one in-person meeting congruent with the Annual oSTEM Conference (includes full conference registrations for representatives)
  • Organizational logo in monthly all-member newsletter
  • Networking opportunities with OAC representatives at the Executive, Talent Acquisition, and Employee levels

Download OAC Sponsorship Information

Complete the Sponsorship Commitment Form


Conference 2019 - Two people talking to each other


Conference Sponsorship

Organizations are encouraged to sponsor our Annual Conference and become exhibitors.  Conference sponsors allow us to continue to provide a high standard of excellence while keeping our cost of attendance equitable.  While our sponsorship benefits may change year-to-year, they typically include:

  • Spot exhibiting at our Career Fair + Full Conference Registrations
  • Resumes/CVs from Conference Attendees
  • Access to the oSTEM Career Portal

Download Conference Sponsorship Packet

Complete the Sponsorship Commitment Form



Other Opportunities

We do have other opportunities available, including to but not limited to:

  • Collaboration and partnership with local chapters
  • Jointly hosting events for the oSTEM community
  • Contributing to a Scholarship Fund with the opportunity to have a named fund
  • Participation in our Mentorship Program

Contact Us About Sponsorship Opportunities